Saturday, July 3, 2010

EERH Research Reports: June 2010

Downloads of EERH Research Reports crept up a bit more last month as we brought more papers online. We now have 64 papers in the series. Additions to RePEc in the last month include:

EERH46: Testing construct validity of verbal versus numerical measures of preference uncertainty in contingent valuation, Sonia Akter and Jeff W Bennett.

EERH55: Prerequisites and limits for economic modelling of climate change impacts and adaptation, Frank Jotzo.

EERH56: Restricted versus unrestricted choice in labelled choice experiments: exploring the tradeoffs of expanding choice dimensions, Jill Windle and John Rolfe.

EERH57: Valuing protection of the Great Barrier Reef with choice modelling by management policy options, John Rolfe and Jill Windle.

EERH58: Tradable Green Certificates as a Policy Instrument? A Discussion on the Case of Poland, Christoph Heinzel and Thomas Winkler.

EERH59: Initial Allocation Effects in Permit Markets with Bertrand Output Oligopoly, Evan Calford, Christoph Heinzel, and Regina Annette Betz.

EERH60: The Value of Tropical Waterways and Wetlands: does an increase in knowledge change community preferences, Abbie McCartney, Jonelle Cleland, and Michael Burton.

EERH61: Inducing Strategic Bias: and its implications for Choice Modelling design, Michael Burton.

EERH62: Climate Change and Game Theory, Peter John Wood.

EERH63: Where is it Cheapest to Cut Carbon Emissions?, David I. Stern and N. Ross Lambie.

EERH64: A systems approach to livability and sustainability: defining terms and mapping relationships to link desires with ecological opportunities and constraints, Jacqueline de Chazal.

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